HomeNewsTabernacle NewsStrawberry Social Success

Strawberry Social Success

Eileen Chesla and Carolyn Cuviello serve shortcake to a patron.

The Tabernacle Historical Society held its annual Strawberry Social on June 11 after overcoming several obstacles. A scheduling snafu prevented the Society from utilizing its planned new location inside a local church. Publicity had already been sent out and signs re-painted to reflect the change of venue. Members of the Society scrambled to correct the signs and (wherever possible) the publicity.

The church location had always been the rain-event plan in the past, but could not be utilized this year even as a back up. Then, the weather forecast started calling for afternoon thunderstorms!

In spite of the problems, the Society was able to hold the event on the grounds of the Tabernacle Town Hall and a rain location was also found inside another local church.

For several hours Society volunteers served up large portions of cake (five varieties) topped with generous servings of strawberries and whipped cream. Hot dogs with all the fixings were also sold and drinks were offered for free.

Families, old friends, long-time residents and new arrivals all sat down to enjoy the food and cordial atmosphere of a small town summer gathering. Tabernacle Historical Society Secretary, Ann Franzen, noted, “This event brings people in the town together in a sweet old-fashioned way. It would not have been possible without the hard work of our dedicated members.”

All funds raised at the event and from the sale of merchandise will be used to fund an annual scholarship and to help with the many projects the Society has undertaken.

The Tabernacle Historical Society meets on the second Thursday of most months. For more information about the Society, call (609) 268–1255.


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