Gov. Christie presented his annual budget address for the fiscal year of 2012 and included some good news for school districts throughout the state.
In his address Christie stated that school aid would increase by $250 million for next year. Last year, Christie drastically cut school aid for most districts in the state.
“Today, because of the hard and necessary choices we have made, I am pleased to report we are able to provide an increase of $250 million in school aid,” he said. “This will allow every district in the state to receive increased aid.”
He went on and said that it should be the state’s goal to reform education in New Jersey.
“We need to reward excellent teachers, put an end to automatic tenure, and give parents trapped in failing schools a choice for a better future for their children. Once and for all, we must reward excellence and there must be consequences for failure. This is the way it is all across America — we must finally bring it to all of New Jersey’s classroom,” he said.
Christie also announced good news for state higher education institutions. After several years of cuts to operating support to colleges and universities, Christie said there will be no further reductions in this year’s budget. He proposed $20 million more for student aid programs as well.