The Route 70 reexamination plan took a large leap forward last week as the Medford Township planning board unanimously voted to send recommendations for changes to council.
The vote was put on the agenda following a lengthy presentation and public discussion during a July 10 special meeting.
Planning board chairman Jack Hartwig postponed a vote until last week so edits could be made to the plan. According to township planner Scott Taylor, there were four edits made from July 10. All were minor and did not affect the proposed changes to items such as reduced setbacks for commercial buildings from the roadway, changes to the buffer ordinance to increase visibility and the addition of larger square foot buildings.
Medford resident Kevin Sparkman questioned sewer access along the roadway and wondered how many businesses are connected to sewer. Some of the discussions about Route 70 have revolved around whether the township has enough sewer capacity to facilitate expansion.
“The majority of the roadway is connected, especially in the larger developments,” township engineer Christopher Noll said.
The planning board did not pass any ordinance changes. Its action means the reexamination plan will go before township council, who can choose to introduce and pass ordinances implementing the proposed changes.
“It’s part of the process,” planning board solicitor David Frank said of the vote. “It’s not the end of the process.”
The planning board will still be involved after the reexamination plan goes before council. The board will review any ordinances council passes on first reading involving the reexamination plan.