YMCA Camp Ockanickon, Inc. has named John Rath, owner of Safeguard Business Systems, as the 2015 campaign chair of its annual Campaign, the biggest fundraising initiative of the year. The money raised from the campaign provides scholarships to children who otherwise would not be able to afford all that the camp has to offer.
As the chairperson of the annual Campaign, Rath will the lead the charge to reach the campaign goal of $255,000. This year’s kick-off breakfast will be held on Wednesday, April 15 from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Camp Ockanickon Dining Hall.
A dedicated YMCA volunteer, Rath, serves on the board of directors and is chairperson of the Financial Development Committee. Rath resides in Shamong with his wife and two children.
For more information or to contribute to the Camp Ockanickon 2015 annual Campaign, please contact Darleen Blesi at (609) 654–8225 or [email protected].