The Marlton Zoning Board will meet tonight for its regularly scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. at the municipal complex at 984 Tuckerton Road.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, June 20 at 7 p.m. at the complex. Here is the complete schedule for the meeting:
1. Chris Kern ZB 11–06 7–6–11
2 Enclave Court, Block 3.14, Lot 27.02 (MD Zone District)
Applicant proposes to construct an 18’ x 36’ in-ground pool
Side yard setbacks and impervious coverage variances are requested
2. Jeffrey & Nebila Rollins ZB 11–08 7–27–11
26 Christopher Dr., Block 19, Lot 19 (MD Zone District)
Applicant proposes to construct a 1,055 sq. ft. in-ground pool,
1,361 sq. ft. pool deck-paver patio & 717 sq. ft. deck and expand
expand driveway by 368 sq. ft.
Side & rear yard setback and impervious coverage variances are
3. ULTA/Kieffer & Co., Inc. ZB 11–07 7–15–11
Sign Variance
730 Rt. 73 South, Willow Ridge Shopping Center (C-1 Zone Dist)
Applicant is proposing a second façade sign 3’6” x 11’4 ¾ “ on the
south facing façade
Richard J. Hoff, Jr., Attorney for Applicant
4. Capital Telecom Acquisition, LLC ZB 10–17 5–16–11
T-Mobile Northeast, LLC — Use Variance/Major Site Plan
115 Evesboro-Medford Rd., Block 9, Lots 2.01, 2.05, 2.08 & 2.09
(C-2 Zone District)
Applicant proposes to construct a 130 ft. tall “Flagless flagpole
Telecommunications tower with up to 6 ground level electronic
Equipments cabinets
Michael C. Learn, Attorney for Applicant
Public Comment
Board Comment
NEXT MEETING: June 20, 2011