On April 28 Evesham Township School District will be having its first grade round-up.
This day is designated to registering any incoming first grader who will be new to the district for the 2016–2017 school year.
Registrations will occur at any time throughout the school day at the child’s neighborhood school, no appointments are necessary.
Please see the revised elementary school zone and neighborhood list below and registration forms on the district’s website at www.evesham.k12.nj.us.
Also on the district’s website are residency and vacancy requirements that must be met before a child is permitted to enter the Evesham Township School District.
In order for a child to be eligible for first grade, he or she must be six years old on or before Oct. 1 of the school year.
At the time of registration, all documentation must be provided.
A copy of documents will be made and the originals returned.