The documentary explores the prison labor industry, the criminal justice system and racial inequality in the United States.
Rowan College at Burlington County, New Jersey Women in NAACP (WIN) and Southern Burlington County NAACP invite the community to a movie screening and discussion of the Academy Award Nominee for Best Documentary, “13TH.”
The documentary explores the prison labor industry, the criminal justice system and racial inequality in the United States. The storyline of “13TH” mostly deals with black men and incarceration; consequently, the impact of the prison industrialized complex on other groups remains almost invisible.
The screening will be followed by a panel discussion, the conversation will focus on the impact of the prison industrialized complex on women and girls who are currently the fastest-growing group in the criminal justice system.
Panelists will address the differential experiences of women, the alarming growth rate, advocacy efforts as well as alternatives to the incarceration of women and girls
Criminal justice reform is a women’s issue. Those interested can participate in the conversation and join the action.
The screening will take place on March 31 at Rowan College at Burlington County in the Enterprise Center, 300 College Circle from 6 to 9 p.m.
This event is free and open to the public.