Bags included snacks, lip balm, tissues, hand sanitizers, treats, personal care items and more, along with motivational sayings.
The Marlton Woman’s Club assembled 64 chemo bags at its Nov. 27 general meeting to give to individuals experiencing chemotherapy. Club officials describe the bags as “a bright spot in what may be a long road for the patients.”
Included were individually packaged snacks, lip balm, tissues, hand sanitizers, treats, personal care items and more in clear plastic bags that members had decorated with brightly colored stickers and motivational sayings such as “You can do it,” or “Something to brighten your day,” or “Stay strong.”
The chemo bags will be donated to Thomas Jefferson and Cooper hospitals for distribution to local chemotherapy patients.
Self-described as a “a group of women who raise money and give it away,” club officials say the Marlton Woman’s Club raised and donated $16,815 in the 2016–2017 club year, in addition to providing $17,630 of in-kind donations to civic and philanthropic entities.
According to officials, the majority of the club’s activities raise awareness of issues facing individuals in need.
The GFWC Marlton Woman’s Club is a member of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC) and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC). The non-profit volunteer service organization meets monthly from September through May (no meeting in December) on the fourth Monday of the month. For more information visit