There is a young girl in the Cherry Hill School District that was recently diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Prior to receiving this diagnosis, Grace was a happy, vibrant little girl, full of energy and joy. She was athletic and had won several trophies at her swim club. As Gracie put it she has “girl power!” Gracie was a star student, a friend to many, and an active member of her community and her church.
This year Gracie cannot go to school because her immune system is compromised due to chemotherapy treatments. When she is not undergoing invasive treatments at the hospital, Grace is required to go to a clinic on a regular basis for testing and additional treatments. She misses her friends and her teachers. Unfortunately, this little girl’s childhood has been put on hold, while doctors attempt to rid her body of this horrific form of cancer.
The staff at her school has been incredible! One teacher in particular, Jody Santangelo, has devoted a great deal of time and effort into helping Grace. Over the summer, Mrs. Santangelo began planning a fund raiser for Grace to support the extraordinary cost of this disease.
The event, “Walk with Grace” A Celebration for Grace Doran, will be held at the Coastline Restaurant on Oct. 13, from 6 to 8 p.m. There will be Raffle Baskets, a DJ, Free Buffet and $1 drinks. The cost to attend is a $10 donation. All profits will go to the Grace Doran Pediatric Cancer Fund. The event, because of the location, is an adults only event.
If you would like to attend this event, please contact [email protected] or Jody Santangelo at [email protected].