Committed to social responsibility, community, connection and spirituality, Temple Emanuel of Cherry Hill announces their annual Thanksgiving Food Drive & Basket “Stuffing” Night Extravaganza, Monday, Nov. 19, from 7 to 9 p.m. at 1101 Springdale Road, Cherry Hill.
Please share the bounty “stuffing” food baskets featuring 300 complete meals to be distributed locally and throughout South Jersey for more than 2,500 people in the metro community including our own congregation whose circumstances challenge their abilities to provide for them.
Urgently needed now:
- Turkeys
- Gravy
- Mashed potatoes
- Yams/Sweet Potatoes
- Cranberry sauce
- Green beans & corn
- Stuffing
- Rolls
- Cakes, pies and cookies
Donations directly benefi: Volunteers of America, Henry L. Bonsall Elementary School in Camden, The Bernard Dubin House in Cherry Hill, CAMcare of Camden, and the Cherry Hill Food Pantry.
Bins for cranberry sauce, gravy, good will, warm wishes and other nonperishables will be located in Religious School foyer.
For turkeys or full meal deliveries, kindly drop off in main office.
Monetary donations for entire holiday meals and scrip are also greatly appreciated!
For more information, please contact Robert Mintz at [email protected] or Gail Forman at [email protected].