The Haddonfield Sun
After proposing five amendments to the tentative 2010–2011 school district budget, Board of Education members came to a unanimous consensus on the budget they will be presenting to borough taxpayers this April.
At a calm public hearing Thursday night, about 100 members of the public listened as the board approved a $31.6 million budget with a 3.25 percent tax levy hike for 2010–2011. The tax rate would mean an increase of $219 for the average assessed home at $491,359.
The Board was able to come to a unanimous decision after a tentative budget was approved earlier in the week . The tentative budget was approved at a vote of 5 to 4 and featured a 4 percent tax rate increase. It also featured a dramatic increase to the student activity fees, which was a main point of contention with several board members.
See Wednesday’s print edition of The Sun for the full story.