Pleasant Valley School’s second annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service will take place on Monday, Jan. 15, from 10 a.m. to noon.
at Pleasant Valley School. If your family is able to join that day, please check out the Google Doc for the details.
All grade levels are asked to contribute that day with simple food donations specific to each grade so snack bags can be created for the Ronald McDonald House in Camden. Donations can be brought to either Harrison Township or Pleasant Valley schools by Jan. 12.
Food requests are as follows:
Preschool: applesauce cups
Kindergarten: granola bars
First grade: cracker packs
Second grade: Goldfish snack packs
Third grade: juice boxes and/or water bottles
Fourth grade: granola bars and/or Goldfish snack packs
Fifth grade: applesauce cups and/or Goldfish snack packs
Sixth grade: juice boxes and/or water bottles