The Burlington County Office of Emergency Management has started the process of updating its Hazard Mitigation Plan for itself and 40 municipalities.
The plan is required by the federal government and the state to reduce risk and improve community resilience to disasters. It focuses on buildings, infrastructure and critical facilities and could impact future development. The plan will identify mitigation projects that reduce town vulnerabilities.
The county and its municipalities are starting to develop hazard mitigation strategies. As part of that process, the county and its towns will identify hazard mitigation goals and actions that can reduce losses. The process will involve public meetings during the next several weeks. A steering committee session to virtually review the risk assessment took place Tuesday and can be accessed at
Other meetings include:
A planning partnership in-person session to review risk assessment at the county Emergency Services Training Center Monday at 9 a.m.
A mitigation strategy workshop at the center, also on Monday, at 10 a.m. It will identify problem areas in each municipality and begin formulating mitigation actions.
A public meeting to review risk assessment via teams on Thursday, Nov. 9, at 7 p.m. The meeting can be accessed at
County residents and stakeholders can also contribute to the planning process by completing a survey, Questions are for information gathering only, and responses will be shared just for planning purposes.
To participate, visit To learn more about the Burlington County Hazard Mitigation Plan, go to the county website at