The Harrison Township Police Department will once again be participating in the National Take Back Initiative.
Turn in your expired/unwanted prescription drugs for safe disposal at the Harrison Township Police Department on Saturday, Oct. 29, 2022, between the hours of 10:00am and 2:00pm.
How to prepare items for disposal:
– All pharmaceutical drugs to be disposed must be placed in a sealed container such as the original bottle or zip-lock bag.
– Liquid pharmaceuticals should remain in the original container.
– Personal information should be removed or marked out
with a permanent marker.
You can dispose of:
– Prescription and over-the-counter solid medications
– Tablets and capsules
– Pet medicines
You may not drop off:
– Intravenous solutions
– Injectables, syringes, and needles (i.e., EpiPens) *; these need to be taken to a health care professional’s office or to a hospital for disposal.
– Hydrogen peroxide
– Compressed cylinders or aerosols (e.g., asthma inhalers)
– Iodine-containing medications
– Thermometers
– Alcohol & illicit drugs
Vape Collection Guidance:
-DEA will collect vape pens or other e-cigarette devices from
individual consumers only after the batteries are removed
from the devices. It is important to stress that the DEA is not
responsible for removing the batteries from the devices.
-If the battery cannot be removed, individual consumers can
check with large electronic chain stores who may accept the
vape pen or e-cigarette devices for proper disposal.
-Individual consumers may also contact their local Hazardous
Materials Management Facility to determine if they accept
these devices, and for additional guidance regarding proper