Y.A.L.E. School welcomes everyone to the Keynote Session of the 2022 Spring Speaker Series, featuring award-winning speaker and bestselling author Dr. Kerry Magro on April 26 at 7 p.m.. Non-verbal at 2 ½ years old and diagnosed with autism at age 4, Magro went on to earn his doctorate degree, found his own company and author three books, including his latest, “Autistics on Autism,” the personal journeys of individuals with ASD. He has made more than 600 appearances nationwide, including on NBC, CBS, FOX, TED Talks and more. In this special Y.A.L.E. School event, he will speak about his experiences, and inspire those with autism – or any life challenge – to pursue their dreams.
This event will be hosted on Zoom and is free and open to the public. Registration is required at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-spring-speakers-series-event-1-dr-kerry-magro-tickets-314723445297.
About Y.A.L.E. School
Y.A.L.E. School is a New Jersey state-approved private special education school with 10 campus locations throughout southern New Jersey and the greater Philadelphia region serving students with disabilities ages 3 through 21. Across four of those campus locations, Y.A.L.E. School offers a highly specialized program for students with autism that provides low student-to-staff ratios, supervision by highly-trained and certified behavior specialist, a comprehensive curriculum, intensive transition support, integrated and consultative speech services, support for families, and an extended school year program in the summer. Since 1976, students with disabilities have been placed at Y.A.L.E. School locations by their local school district and attend at no cost to parents. For more information, go to www.yaleschool.com.