As college tuition costs continually rise more quickly than the average wage, student loans are now the nation’s highest non-housing debt category, surpassing credit cards, auto loans and other forms of debt. To help make college more affordable for members and their families, South Jersey Federal Credit Union now offers a tuition rewards program through SAGE Scholars, the nation’s largest private college savings and reward program.
When South Jersey Federal Credit Union members enroll in the free Tuition Rewards program, they receive rewards points totaling five percent of their South Jersey Federal Credit Union deposit account balances each year. Those rewards points, which can be designated for use by children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and other relatives, can be used to offset tuition through guaranteed minimum scholarships at a growing network of more than 400 participating private colleges and universities.
“We’re pleased to offer our members an easy and effective way to make quality private college education more affordable,” said Ernest Huggard, President and Chief Executive Officer of South Jersey Federal Credit Union. “As the only credit union in New Jersey currently offering this program, we’re proud of our commitment to providing quality financial solutions.”
South Jersey Federal Credit Union members can enroll in the Tuition Rewards program at Non-members who are interested in joining South Jersey Federal Credit Union to take advantage of this and other benefits can learn more by visiting, calling (800) 582-7640, or visiting one of the credit union’s branches.