The Evesham Township Police Department has named Officer Ryan Willard as the “Officer of the Month” for April 2019.
According to the department, Willard has been a member of the ETPD for 22 years and is being commended for his quick actions and commitment to making the township a safer place.
In April, police say officers responded to a home on Kettle Run Road for an allegedly out-of-control male threatening to stab a pregnant female with a large knife.
Police say the individual had allegedly been involved in a dispute with another male, just prior to turning his aggression towards the pregnant female victim.
Investigation determined that male armed with the knife chased the pregnant female around the parking lot of the property threatening to stab her and other residents.
According to police, the male, in a fit of rage, attempted to puncture the tires of the female’s vehicle. Police say the male then went into the residence and obtained a fire extinguisher and attacked the pregnant female victim by spraying her in the face with the fire extinguisher.
Police say Willard was the first to arrive on location and took immediate control of the scene. After ordering the male to the ground, police say Willard was able to safely take him into police custody without innocent people or the male being injured. The male in question was charged with aggravated assault, illegal possession of a weapon and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose.