Check out the biggest news in Palmyra this week.
What has been your favorite part of the summer in 2017?
The Palmyra Concert Series continued its weekly performances on Tuesday at the Band Shell. For the township, it is a relaxing event, which allows the community a chance to get out of the house and hear some soothing music. With the summer coming closer to an end, the concert series is set to go through the remainder of August. With many summer activities from which to choose, some residents reflected on their favorite part so far.
Rev. Charles Anderson, the vocal leader of Saint Paul’s UAME Church in Palmyra
The call into ministry may come differently for some than others. Some may receive the call from God at a young age, or may not receive it until the later parts of their lives. The Rev. Charles Anderson, the leader of Saint Paul’s UAME Church in Palmyra, received the call in 1982. Anderson referenced his time in the hospital for gallstones and prayed to the Lord to get him out of surgery. “I prayed to God and asked him that if he got me out of surgery, I would serve him in whatever way he wanted,” Anderson said. “It’s been 35 years since then and I haven’t underwent surgery.”
Palmyra Police Department running Citizen Police Academy
The program will run on Thursday evenings from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. starting Sept. 21 through Nov. 9, 2017. The academy is designed to provide citizens with a general understanding of the operations and procedures of the Palmyra Police Department. The program is also designed to build a positive rapport between our community and officers.
Vouchers Still Available for New Jersey Senior Farmer’s Market Program
The program is a joint effort between the USDA and the NJ Department of Agriculture that provides low income seniors with $25 in voucher form to purchase New Jersey farmers locally grown produce. “The Burlington County Office on Aging still has vouchers available to eligible seniors,” said Freeholder Hughes. “The vouchers, which can be redeemed until November 30, 2017, provide a nutritional benefit to seniors in order to enhance their diets and to bring awareness and an opportunity to expand the sales of locally grown produce.”