Back to School right around the corner in Burlington Township

“We would like to increase the number of offerings a student has.”

The countdown has begun … yes, the countdown to another school year in Burlington Township. The Burlington Township School District begins classes on Sept. 7 with a full day for all students. The district’s plan for 2017–2018 includes instructional initiatives using adaptive assessments, analyzing achievement data, increasing inclusivity and strategic planning. The plan also includes initiatives to address climate and well-being.

Summer reading will come to an end shortly. Superintendent Mary Ann Bell reminds residents to submit their summer reading surveys by the start of school.

“Everyone has a story to tell,” Bell said. “Encouraging children to read and write are excellent ways to enhance communication skills.”

The surveys help the school district make changes for future years of the summer reading program.

Burlington Township High School has seen added technology to classrooms with the introduction of mobile devices. The middle school and Fountain Woods School each will benefit from additional Chromebooks either in the classroom or on carts. Over the summer, the school’s facilities team created a space for a new TV/Broadcast Production class.

“We like to increase the number of offerings a student has,” Bell said. “We also try to reduce the length of overall time each building is impacted by PARCC testing.”

Technology advances continued this summer for the district, as it registered for a Twitter account to enhance the communication with parents and the community.

The district also encourages students in grade four through 12 to take advantage of the Falcons360 website. The website is free of charge and provides students and parents with reliable resources on several important topics by experts in their field. It also answers a variety of questions that either parents or students may have that they aren’t comfortable asking.

The district also has a learning resource center that features 22 websites that can help students in a variety of subjects.

“We encourage parents to help their son or daughter using everyday experiences,” Bell said. “Math and science are two subjects that can be studied with things we see everyday.”

The replacement of the B. Bernice Young School’s gym floors is still progressing after levels of mercury had risen over the summer. Classes will be determined at a date closer to the beginning of the year.

The Falcon Flyer Newsletter is a another way to find out about numerous activities and events going on throughout the district. Director of Human Resources and Community Relations Liz Scott is in charge of compiling the information needed and sending it to parents.

“We want to make sure our parents are receiving up-to-date information regarding our schools,” Scott said. “My goal is to ensure all parents that they have the most recent information regarding the schools and the community.”

For more information regarding the Burlington Township School District, and the upcoming school year check


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