Mayor Joann Gattinelli talks community service, events and connections
WTPD National Night Out
On Aug. 1, I was happy to attend the National Night Out event to support our local police department, and law enforcement nationwide. This annual event was a great success and it continues to support and grow the relationship between our police and residents. There were thousands of people in attendance to enjoy the many different activities and entertainment for all ages. There were many activities for the kids to enjoy including a slide, face painting and a bouncy house. There was also a helicopter, a K-9 demonstration, giveaways, food and a DJ. I would like to thank our police department, public works department, EMS, fire department and all the vendors who took time to be part of National Night Out. It was nice to see our police officers grilling and serving food to the residents, and having conversations so our community can get to know them on a more personal level. My administration and I are happy to continue working in conjunction with all these departments to put on successful events such as this one and the Fourth of July Parade. A special thank you to the residents and visitors who came out to make it a great night that strengthened our community.
Township rocks
It is rewarding to see the many ways in which our residents enjoy the community and everything Washington Township has to offer. Recently, trending in our area is to paint rocks and plant them in different locations around town. If you see one of these rocks, feel free to either trade it, or move it, and post a photo with the hashtag “#TownshipRocks!” There are creative places around Washington Township that our residents are visiting to hide the rocks. On Monday, July 31, I met with our green team, and after our meeting, we made a special “green team” rock, which we planted somewhere there is lots of green. Tag us if you find it and feel free to paint your own “township rocks” to get involved. There is also a “mayor’s office” rock ready to be found. We are happy to join in the fun and emphasize how Washington Township “rocks!”
Public Safety
On Aug. 3, I was pleased to swear-in new Patrolwoman Morgan Muracco. We are happy to welcome Muracco to our police force. I know she will be a great addition to the Washington Township Police Department, as she has shown great dedication and commitment. At the swearing-in ceremony, Police Chief Patrick Gurcsik, Lt. Kenneth Kennedy, Business Administrator Jason Gonter and I were lucky enough to participate while Muracco’s family witnessed the moment. I continue to gain pride in the Washington Township Police Department and we wish Muracco much success and safety as she serves the Washington Township public.
Joann Gattinelli is the mayor of Washington Township. She can be reached at [email protected].