RSVP via Facebook by Aug. 2
The Greater Berlin Business and Professional Association (GBBPA) invites you to a Summertime Meet and Greet, Monday, Aug. 7, 2017 from 7 to 9 PM. Join us for an evening of fun and mingle with your fellow members and potential new members as you learn more about the GBBPA. We have recently changed our organizations bylaws to be more inclusive, thereby, allowing us to include all businesses and professionals that have clients or customers in Berlin Boro, Berlin Township and Waterford township. The event will be held at The Vault located at 150 S. White Horse Pike, Berlin, NJ 08009. Admission price is $10 per person, payable at the door, and includes food and non-alcoholic beverages. RSVP via Facebook at Greater Berlin Business and Professional Association by Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2017.