We swear a lot, but that means we’re honest and intelligent.
Guess mom and dad should have let us be when they are overheard us cursing as youngsters instead of yelling at us and telling us to knock it off.
A new international study revealed that people who use profanity more are likely to be more honest people. And mom and dad have always wanted us to be honest, right? They sure as *!% do!
This latest study — conducted by University of Cambridge, Maastricht University, Hong Kong University and Stanford — comes on the heels of one released last year that found that people who swear more are more intelligent.
And since we New Jerseysans swear quite a lot, we’re naturally very honest, intelligent people.
New Jersey ranked as the third most profane state in the U.S., according to the study, behind only Connecticut and Delaware.
While this may seem like a negative, we Garden Staters also tied with Iowa for America’s highest integrity score.
Take that, Connecticut!
The study generally concluded there is “a consistent positive relationship between profanity and honesty; profanity was associated with less lying and deception at the individual level and with higher integrity at the society level.”
We in the great state of New Jersey say what we mean, and we mean what we say. That’s news to just about no one.
These studies would make you think we should start teaching our children the “art of profanity” in school, along- side math, science and social studies.
After all, we want our future world leaders to be honest, intelligent and full of integrity … don’t we???