The cost is $8 per standard size card or $9 per large card. Orders must be placed by Jan. 8, 2017.
Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood is now taking orders for 2017 Mah Jongg Cards. The deadline for ordering cards is Jan. 8, 2017.
Mah Jongg is a rummy-like game played with tiles rather than cards. The game originated in China, dating back to the time of Confucius. The game migrated to the the early 1900s. In 1937 The National Mah Jongg League was formed to establish consistency in the rules of the game. Additionally, each year a new card is created to display the accepted winning combinations of tiles. The updating of the acceptable “hands” maintains interest in the game.
The cost is $8 per standard card or $9 per large card. Send a full name and address with a check made out to Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood, 1901 Kresson Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003. Mark the envelope Mah Jongg Card.
Anyone with questions can call Zelda Greenberg at (856) 751–4201. Orders can also be places online at