Temple Beth Sholom Hazak and Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood are sponsoring a trip to Old York Cellars on May 20. The trip includes a winery tour followed by a walking tour of historic Lambertville.
The group will visit the winery, enjoy a catered kosher box lunch provided by 18 Carat Caterers, and visit historic Lambertville guided by docents or freely. Lambertville’s charming streets are lined with well-preserved federal townhouses and Victorian homes. Hidden treasures are everywhere in “The Antiques Capital of New Jersey.”
The group will travel by charter bus. The cost of the trip is $65. Sending a check confirms registration for the trip. Send reservation and payment to Hazak’s mailbox at Temple Beth Sholom, 1901 Kresson Road, Cherry Hill,NJ 08003.
Space is limited. For more information, contact Zelda Greenberg at (856) 751–4201 or [email protected] or Miriam Feldman at [email protected].