HomeNewsTabernacle NewsBurlington County Announces ‘Shop Burlington County First’ Campaign

Burlington County Announces ‘Shop Burlington County First’ Campaign

Freeholder Director Joseph Donnelly announced today that three informational sessions will be held in the next month to explain the County’s new “buy local” initiative, Shop Burlington County First to foster economic growth in Burlington County. The initiative is a joint collaboration with the Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders and their regional partners, the Burlington County Bridge Commission and the Burlington County Chamber of Commerce.

Shop Burlington County First is a coordinated countywide campaign designed to support in-county businesses, promote downtowns and business districts, strengthen the local economy, and improve conditions for hiring employees.

The informational sessions are open to area businesses, local business and economic development associations, elected officials and residents of Burlington County. They are scheduled for

• Monday, June 24, 6–7:30 p.m., Maple Shade Municipal Building, 200 Stiles Avenue, Maple Shade.
• Tuesday, July 9, 6–7:30 p.m., Carslake Community Center, 209 Crosswicks Road, Bordentown City.
• Monday, July 15, 6–7:30 p.m., Burlington County College Culinary Arts Center, 21 Mill Street in Mount Holly.

“If each household in Burlington County spent just $10 more each month at Burlington County businesses, the resulting annual impact to the local economy would be about $20 million dollars,” Donnelly said.

The Shop Burlington County First initiative will encourage residents to shop and spend in their own backyards, rather than online or in big retail stores.

“Our goal is to keep Burlington County’s economy strong and growing,” Donnelly said. “Shop Burlington County First is an easy way for all residents to make that happen.”

For every $100 spent locally in independently owned stores, shops and restaurants, $44 to $83 is re-circulated in the local economy. It’s estimated that there are 8,000 one-of-a-kind, independent businesses in Burlington County.

Shop Burlington County First (SBCF) is a collaborative initiative that will market and promote county businesses; the start-up costs will be subsidized by its regional partners (Freeholders, Bridge Commission, and Chamber of Commerce), local partners (business associations, municipal economic development committees, Burlington County Chamber of Commerce, etc.) will bear the responsibility of registering individual businesses.

More details about the SBCF shared service will be available at the informational sessions listed above.


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