“High School Reunion” is the theme for the annual spring concerts hosted by the Pine Barons Chorus on Saturday, April 13. This year’s shows feature guest singing groups — Wheelhouse, Co-Ed and Formata from Cherry Hill High School East.
Live music fans will be treated to some of the region’s best Barbershop singing, including “old school” favorites and some of today’s popular songs.
The 30-member Pine Barons chorus perform acapella (solely vocals, no instruments) give audiences the opportunity to experience a rare American art form. In the 1950s and early 1960s, Barbershop choruses were the “Glee” of that era.
The performances are family-friendly and are scheduled for 2 and 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrews United Methodist Church, 327 Marlton Pike West (Route 70), Cherry Hill.
Ticket prices are $8 for students, $14 for seniors and $16 for everyone else. To reserve tickets, please contact John Celani at (856) 866–2474 or [email protected].
The award-winning Pine Barons Chorus, the Cherry Hill Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society has performed at the Academy of Music, the Spectrum, for the Phillies, Eagles, and 76ers, and many other area attractions and festivals.
For more information, visit www.thepinebarons.com.