HomeNewsShamong NewsShamong Township: make sure you’re prepared for the impending storm

Shamong Township: make sure you’re prepared for the impending storm

Prepare for hurricane Sandy

With hurricane Sandy projected to hit our area beginning late Sunday early Monday, it is time to remind everyone to take the necessary steps to prepare for the storm.

To limit the amount of localized flooding, please clear all rain gutters, downspouts, curbing and storm drains of leaves and debris.

Please walk around your property and secure any and all items which maybe easily blown against homes or cars in the anticipated high winds. Bring in or tie down lawn furniture, swings, trampolines, trashcans, etc.

Be sure to fully charge cell phones and keep a flashlight and battery operated radio handy. Remember to check on your family, neighbors and friends who may have special needs requiring assistance in securing items in their yards or other preparations for the storm.

Fill your bathtub and any extra containers you may have with water for drinking, cooking or sanitary purposes.

For additional information on hurricane preparedness please try the following link:

New Jersey Office of Emergency Management – Hurricane Preparedness

Reach out to emergency services

Do you need electricity for a home medical device such as oxygen or have a mobility issue?

With another large storm looming early next week, emergency services is reaching out to our community to pre-plan our response during the storm. Personal preparedness is at the heart of public safety and emergency response — before, during and after a disaster. Advance planning and preparedness is especially important for people with special needs, with includes anyone who might find it difficult to self-evacuate because of a physical or cognitive limitation, language barrier, or lack of transportation, particularly if family, friends, or caregivers are unavailable to help them during a crisis.

There is a program called Register Ready, which identifies people with special needs that gives Emergency Services all of the information needed during an emergency. We will do all of the work in registering people with special needs. The information we need, at a minimum, is a name, address and phone number sent to me by e-mail at [email protected].

If people could let us know what type of assistance is needed, we can dispatch the appropriate emergency service to them. We will contact any potential recipient for more detailed information before the storm hits.


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