The USDA Food Pyramid recommends two servings of fruit for the healthy adult daily diet.
To aid the community in achieving this recommendation, the Kiwanis Club of the Haddons is conducting its annual Florida Fruit Sale through Nov. 16.
Offered this year are high quality 2/5-bushel (20 pound) boxes of either naval oranges, tangelos, ruby red grapefruit or mixed orange/ grapefruit cases for $20 per box.
Also available are 23 to 25 pound box Apples-Oranges-Grapefruit and 23 to 25 pound box Tangelos-Oranges-Grapefruit for $25 per box.
To place an order call John D. Wilson, secretary, Kiwanis Club of the Haddons, at (856) 858–1640 or email at [email protected].
Order forms are available at the club website at
All orders will be filled in mid-December.