1/3/2012 Return to School
1/9/2012 Osage School Otis Spunkmeyer cookie sale until 1/13
1/10/2012 Hamilton School 3rd and 4th grade concert at VMS, 7 p.m.
1/10/2012 Signal Hill School picture retakes and activity photos
1/11/2012 Kresson School PFA Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
1/12/2012 Hamilton School HPFA Meeting, 7 p.m.
1/12/2012 Osage School Parent Faculty, 7 p.m.
1/16/2012 School Closed
1/18/2012 Kresson School Winter Concert, VMS Theater, 7 p.m.
1/19/2012 Signal Hill School PFA Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
1/20/2012 Osage School Family Game Night, 6:30 p.m.
1/23/2012 Kresson School Reading Incentive until 2/24
1/25/2012 Board of Education of Education Meeting, Signal Hill School, 7:30 p.m.
1/26/2012 VMS 8th Grade Coffee Klatche
1/28/2012 Hamilton School Winter Carnival, noon to 3 p.m.
1/31/2012 End of second marking period