The following items can be found on file with the Haddonfield Police Department:
• Two suspects were arrested on Oct. 17 at 4:36 p.m. in connection with a car break in on Oct. 16. The two suspects, a 20-year-old male and a 24-year-old male from Cherry Hill, were charged with burglary, theft, credit card fraud, and were remanded to the Camden County Jail.
The two suspects broke into a resident’s car on Oct. 16 and stole her wallet, which contained $1,500 in case and her credit cards. Both suspects were arrested at their homes the next day.
• An Ardmore Avenue resident reported to police on Oct. 18 at 3:35 a.m. that he heard a noise outside of his home and saw a male suspect trying to rip an eight-foot copper downspout from his house.
He went outside and the suspect fled, leaving the downspout next to his house. He didn’t get a good look at the suspect.
• A superintendent at Linden Manor reported to police on Oct. 20 at 1:39 p.m. that two copper downspouts were stolen from an apartment.
They were valued at $250.
• A W. End Avenue resident reported to police on Oct. 20 at 8:28 a.m. that two, eight-foot copper downspouts were stolen from his home.
There are no suspects in the case.
• A Wellington Avenue resident reported to police on Oct. 20 at 7:19 a.m. that his vehicle’s rear window was broken the night before. He said that he had an argument with a resident on Springfield Terrace the day before.
Officers approached the resident at Springfield Terrace, who admitted to breaking the victim’s window. The victim said he would not press charges if the suspect paid for the damages, which he agreed to.